Monday, November 28, 2011

Radiometrics: A Glowingly Good Time

Proof? What do we need of proof?

Proof is everything.

One of the greatest arguments against creationism is radiometric dating. Basic tools such as carbon dating have easily debunked the stated ages of such relics as the Shroud of Turin, deftly illustrating the way certain artifacts truly fit into the historic record.

As a result, radiometric dating becomes an important tool in understanding things like the age of the universe. By using meteorite samples, scientists have been able to date the Earth itself to 4.54 billion years old, far older than the unsubstantiated Creationist accounts of a world only 6,000 to 10,000 years old. These scientific studies conclusively show that the literalist account of the divine creation of the universe as taking no more than six twenty-four hour days, culminating in no more than ten thousand years of life is impossible. This timeline is far too short to account for the diversity of life on earth, the variety of changes to the geological and species records over the Ages, and the radiometric records themselves.

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