Monday, November 28, 2011

Fossil Records: A Dino a Day Keeps the Creationist Away

And so dinosaurs and humans lived together, side-by-side, in a glorious tropical paradise that completely lacked in being stomped to death or eaten as prey.

As wonderful as it would be to ride a dinosaur to work, alas, it is not to be.

The geological record is such that, when consulted, it quickly reveals that the time between the Age of Dinosaurs and the Age of Humanity is extremely long. There is no overlap between the geological layers containing dinosaur fossils and those containing early hominids. Thus, there were no early humans living amongst the dinosaurs, and the timeline between the beginning of humanity and the end of the dinosaurs requires that the Creationist view of the age of the world be stretched. Even accounting for a belief in the literal paradise of The Garden of Eden, Creationist texts such as the Bible do not reference any such dragon-like creatures, and therefore, one must assume that there was life on earth for a great while before humanity came into being.

With such a simple refutation of the Creationist view of the age of the world, this literalist interpretation must immediately come under increased scrutiny.

Alas for us all, the only pet dinosaurs we are ever likely to encounter are those in Jurassic Park.

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